Friday, May 31, 2024

The Amazing Race (USA) Wishlist Route IDEA #1: “Leg 1 (United States → Germany)”

Thank you, Phil Keoghan, for appreciating and liking my tweet on Twitter.

So for this, here are some of my ideas for this wishlist route for Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany:

Leg 1 (United States → Germany)
STARTING LINE: Silver Springs State Park (Florida, United States)
PHIL KEOGHAN: "... This will serve as the starting line of 'The Amazing Race'"
PHIL: "There will be a U-Turn Vote for this leg of the race ..." 
PHIL: "... Is everyone ready? The world is ready for you, good luck! Travel safe! ... GO!!!" 

FLY TO: Munich, Germany
PHIL: "Teams must fly to Munich, Germany. When they land, they'll have to travel by taxi to ..."

PROCEED TO: Marienplatz
PHIL: " ... Marienplatz, to find a marked car with their next clue inside it."

PROCEED TO: Rothenburg ob der Tauber
PHIL: "Team must travel by car to the Bavarian town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, once they arrive they'll have to make their way to ..."

PROCEED TO: Rödertor Gate
PHIL: ... Rödertor Gate for their next clue."

PROCEED TO: Cafe Uhl Schneeballen
PHIL: "Teams must make their way to Cafe Uhl Schneeballen to find a German schoolgirl where she'll give them their next clue."

CAUTION: U-Turn Vote (Poll) ahead!!!
PHIL: "Teams must vote on which team should be u-turned before getting their next clue."

ROADBLOCK: “Who wants to crave?”
PHIL: "In this Roadblock. One team member must eat a German pastry known as a 'schneeball', teams must eat 60 schneeballen from six flavors (10 cinnamons, 10 chocolates, 10 caramels, 10 hazelnuts, 10 lemons, and 10 strawberries), once the team ate 60 schneeballen they'll receive their next clue."

DETOUR: “Dance” or “Details”
PHIL: "In this Detour, teams choose between Dance or Details."

DETOUR: “Dance”
PHIL: "In ‘Dance’, requires teams to make their way to Marktplatz, where they'll have to wear old traditional clothes, and perform and memorize Rothenburg’s traditional ‘Shepherd’s Dance’, once the judge is satisfied with their dance, the judge will hand over their next clue."

DETOUR: “Details”
PHIL: "In ‘Details’requires teams to both dress as the famous German painter Albrecht Dürer and search for six sketch artists around Plönlein doing outdoor sketching ..."
PHIL: " ... using a Polaroid camera they must search all over the town to snap and match six photos according to the six artists’ drawings as references, once they got six correct photos ..."
PHIL: " ... they must show it to The Night Watchman where he'll give them their next clue. If not, they’ll have to start all over again."

PROCEED TO: Proceed to: St. James’s Church/CAUTION: U-Turn Vote (Reveal) ahead!!!
PHIL: "Teams must make their way to 
St. James’s Church where they will find their next clue and also the U-Turn Vote reveal board."
ROUTE INFO CLUE CARD: "After completing either Detour task, teams had to wear their costumes for the remainder of the leg."

PIT STOP: Double Bridge
PHIL: "Teams must make their way to the Pit Stop: ‘Double Bridge’, the last team to check in here ..."
PHIL: "... maybe eliminated."

The reason why, I want The Amazing Race to visit the town Rothenburg ob der Tauber in Germany is one of my childhood memories watching the anime when I was a kid around the 2000s called: "A Little Snow Fairy Sugar".

I watched this anime since I was a kid on GMA 7 in 2006, I remember watching this scene (almost my favorite episode) on GMA (see left), ...

... I also watched this anime on Hero TV, too (the same year that also aired on GMA 7), ...
... and the setting of Saga's hometown and also the setting for the anime "A Little Snow Fairy Sugar" was: "Muhlenburg" and is based on a real-life in Germany called: ...

... "Rothenburg ob der Tauber" was one of my wishlist suggestions for TAR (and also I really wanted to visit the town someday).

The "find a German school girl at Cafe Uhl Schneeballen" task behind it was that I found a photo of a Japanese cosplayer online (not taken from Germany) who cosplays the main character from the anime "A Little Snow Fairy Sugar" was: ...

... Saga Bergman, the reason why I put this photo as part of a task is that I was inspired by DryedMangoez's TAR: PH Design Leg on his website ... 

... where he used the scene from Power Rangers: Dino Charge as part of the task, so why not use it from a show as part of a task (because ALSFS' setting Muhlenburg is based on the real-life town "Rothenburg ob der Tauber"), but The Amazing Race would not use things, characters, etc. from "A Little Snow Fairy Sugar" because not many people know this anime, but the reason I put it as a task is just for fun (and creative).

Original Japanese Episode (18) Title
English Translated Episode (18) Title
For the “Dance” detour task (Shepherd's Dance), I saw an episode from "A Little Snow Fairy Sugar" titled: "Festival! Waffo!/おまつり、ワッホー! or ‘Omatsuri, Waffo!" (Episode 18), when Sugar and her friends (Salt and Pepper) ...

... spotted the town a bit off, so they immediately went to Saga's house ...

... to explain to her what is going on around town,
... Saga explains why the town is busy, is because of the Mühlenberg Cookie Festival, Saga explains the story behind the Cookie Festival: ...

“Long ago, a woman became very ill ...”

“... and her two children baked her some cookies to make her feel better ...”

“... they say after eating the cookies she ...

“... did get better and she was never sick again.” - Saga Bergman
(from Episode 18 of “A Little Snow Fairy Sugar”)

On the next day, Muhlenberg had already started the festival ... 

... with food fairs, ...

... music festivals, ...

... and lots of people.

Some of the younger children have to wear old traditional clothes if they're going to give cookies to friends or relatives. ...

... Well there's this scene I saw as part of the and inspired for the “Dance” detour task, ...

... when Sugar and Saga saw ...

... people wearing old traditional clothes performing ...

... an old traditional dance tradition that requires men and women
to perform this kind of dance. ...
I think the creators of ALSFS almost got inspired by Rothenburg's Shepherd's Dance for the anime, so this is where I got the idea for the Detour task as part of my TAR Wishlist Route Ideas.


For the “Details” detour task, I saw this video on YouTube (“Discover ROTHENBURG: Bavaria's Hidden Gem - Things To Do!” by Rok Goes Around), and they have amazing details on Rothenburg, that's where the drawings and Polaroid photos sources usually came from.

For the Pit Stop: “Double Bridge” (aka Doppelbrücke or Tauber Bridge), this scene was also used in the A Little Snow Fairy Sugar anime, too (see bottom below).


Well, I wanted to add a U-Turn Vote for Leg 1 because TAR Season 26 did a Blind Double U-Turn on the first leg/Leg 1 of the Race and we have the U-Turn Vote back in Season 35, so why not add a U-Turn on the first leg?).


COMING SOON: “The Amazing Race (USA) Wishlist Route IDEA #2: Leg 1 (United States → Philippines)”
and “The Amazing Race (USA) Wishlist Route IDEA #2: Leg 2 (Philippines)”:


TAGS: the amazing race, tar, phil keoghan, leg 1, united states, germany, season 26, united states, USA, usa, rothenburg Ob Der tauber, a little snow fairy sugar, alsfs, saga bergman, salt, pepper, Mühlenburg, mühlenberg, muhlenburg, Muhlenberg, episode 18, omatsuri, festival! waffo!, anime, Koge Donbo, Koge-Donbo, Koge-Donbo*, koge donbo, koge-donbo, koge-donbo*, Haruka Aoi, haruka aoi, Shinichiro Kimura, shinichiro kimura, gma 7, hero tv, philippines, 2000's, '2000s, 2000, vote u-turn, double, x2, X2, DryedMangoez, dryedmangoez, wishlist, route, idea, ideas, Concept, concept, Reality, reality, Gameshow, GameShow, Gameshows, GameShows, gameshow, gameshows